The Health problems

Anal intercourse (sodomy) was modeled by homosexual males. “Political correctness” has dictated silence on its dangers for women. Heterosexual and bisexual women (and some self-identifying lesbians) are engaging in anal intercourse with men in increasing numbers. There are an estimated 4 times more women than MSM [homosexual and bisexual men] practicing receptive anal intercourse (sodomy) in the United States. An estimated 39% of men (most identifying as heterosexual) and 33% of women have engaged in heterosexual anal intercourse. Estimates are that 25% of men and 13% - 20% of women have engaged “recently.” The rectum is more easily damaged by intercourse than is the vagina, and far more susceptible to disease. There is an alarming rate of increase in STDs (including HPV, a major risk factor for cancers) for both men and women in recent years. Anal cancer is twice as prevalent among women as men. “Receptive” anal intercourse (the only position a woman can take) with a penis is a ma...