Homosexual Politician claims to be both Christian and Protestant?

This article has appeared in the BT newspaper . In all honesty, the reader should notice this statement: " I am gay - a Christian - a Protestant and a politician." You need to ask yourself some questions before reading this article: Do politicians bend the truth? Some do some don't. But often they have an agenda. Is this person really a Christian or a liberal Protestant who doesn't believer her Bible or is this person lying and making a false claim? Is she deluded, making statement to cloud the issue? What is the basis of her claim? Herself? Perhaps this person genuinely believes God approves of her sin or God doesn't care or believes homosexuality is not a sin and the Apostle Paul was incorrect. Either way, Romans 1 clearly tells us that Gods judgement on homosexuality is one of total abandonment regardless of what a person claims. Do man-made human rights like homosexuality over rule God's commandments? ......................................