Franklin Graham: Jimmy Carter ‘absolutely wrong’ about Jesus backing abortion, gay ‘marriage’

Evangelical leader Rev. Franklin Graham took to social media on Tuesday to forcefully denounce former Democrat President Jimmy Carter’s claim that Jesus Christ would embrace same-sex “marriage” and at least some abortions. Over the past few days, several websites have drawn attention to a 2015 interview Carter gave to HuffPost Live in which he discussed the tension between his professed Baptist faith and the left-wing dictates of his party. Jesus didn’t come to promote sin, He came to save us from sin Faith has “always been important in my life. Y’know, I’m a born-again Christian, so-called, I’m a Baptist. I taught Sunday school the day before yesterday, I’ll be teaching again next Sunday, I teach every Sunday that I’m home in Plains,” he told interviewer Marc Lamont Hill, claiming to have “never run across any really serious conflicts between my political obligations and my religious faith.” However, he went on to claim that “Jesus would approve gay ...