The Pope said - God made gays

According to an article in El Pais , Spain ’s largest newspaper, Pope Francis told a male sex abuse victim: “ God made you gay.” The comments were allegedly made during a meeting between Pope Francis and the victims of Chilean Catholic sex-offender priest Fernando Karadima . One of the men abused by the priest, former seminarian Juan Carlos Cruz , described his meeting with Pope Francis. Jesuit priest James Martin posted a link to the interview on his social media accounts which included a translation of one comment made by the Pope to Cruz: James Martin, SJ ✔ @JamesMartinSJ 20 May Pope Francis: "God made you gay." https:// z-asegura-papa-le-dijo-dios-te-gay/ … James Martin, SJ ✔ @JamesMartinSJ "Juan Carlos, that you are gay does not matter. God made you like that and he loves you like that, and I do not care. The Pope wants you like that, you have to be happy with who you ...