
Showing posts with the label Human papillomavirus

Men having sex with men at far greater risk for cancer, STDs, infections: Systematic review

As the homosexual movement makes gains in public opinion and politics, the dissenting voice of science continues to unearth health problem after health problem associated with gay sexual behavior. A systematic review of PubMed articles dealing with homosexual activity ( MSM ) and cancer rates found that rates for various cancers skyrocketed for men engaging in homosexual activity. The study, titled “ Cancer and men who have sex with men: a systematic review ,” was  published in  The Lancet  last December. Researchers examined 47 reports that merited inclusion in their study of sexual orientation and cancer rates. They found that the majority of the reports agree that MSM is a significant risk factor for cancer. Researchers found that a dozen of the 47 studies focused on the risk factors for anal cancer, including HPV infection in the anal canal. The studies indicated that “not being exclusively heterosexual significantly increased the risk of anal can...