Lesbian Married Woman Told the law does not recognize her relationship

They sought out a country that would support their immoral homosexual marriage as it is not legal in Australia . Following the New Zealand wedding Jessica changed her surname to Amanda's so they could both go by Gould. This is where they pretend they have real marriage. In Australia people who have changed their names after traditional marriage – including overseas traditional marriages – are entitled to a free replacement passport . But when Gould tried to arrange a complimentary new passport, she was correctly told by an Australian Passport Office (APO) staff member that her marriage could not be classified as married or de facto , as immoral homosexual marriage is not recognized in Australia. LGBTQ will demand everything be changed to suit their immoral purposes. We demand you change the rules - or else you hurt us. They have this we know what we are doing is unacceptable but play the victim I am hurt card. Gould obviously was not thinking, that just becau...