Fake Marriage: Lesbians and synthetic dchildren

A woman in Hawaii is trying to get her parental rights revoked by challenging the equal status of same-sex marriages . Two women, identified in family court only as C.C. and D.D., got married in 2013 and, according to D.D., talked for years about having children. D.D. became pregnant in 2015 through a sperm donor when C.C. was deployed with the military . Their relationship has since ended. C.C. tried to have her parental rights revoked, arguing that she did not consent to become a parent and therefore should not have to pay child support . Lesbianism borrows sperm to make synthetic disposable children. Does this not reflect that such broken relationships are simply fake marriages and the cracks appear very fast. Hawaii, like many other states, presumes the spouse of a mother to be the parent of a child born during their marriage, no matter the genetic relationship between the spouse and the child. LGBTQ activists have had to argue in favor of this in Arkansas and in M...