Christian Singer Vicky Beeching Appeals to God's Love to Justify Her Lesbianism

I had not previously heard of Vicky Beeching but she was celebrated a couple of days ago in a slanted interview from a British newspaper The Independent for "coming out" as a self-affirmed lesbian ("Vicky Beeching, Christian rock star 'I'm gay. God loves me just the way I am'" Aug. 13). Judging from the interview, this attractive and sympathetic 35-year-old remains spiritually impoverished in her theological reasoning—and this in spite of the fact that she has a B.A. and Masters in Religion and Ethics from Oxford University and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Durham University . The "focus of her doctoral thesis" will be on (surprise) "what the Biblical texts actually say about same-sex relationships/marriage" ( ). In the article she states that the battle between her same-sex attraction and her picture of God as opposed to homosexual unions "was ripping me in half." I am sympa...