Gay Christian - Doesn't exist

There is a serious error that is growing in the ranks of Evangelicalism. It has already permeated mainline Protestantism . It is a Trojan Horse in the Body of Christ––one that must be addressed. It carries the potential to change the Gospel we believe, teach and preach into a different gospel ( Galatians 1:8 ), which is NOT the Gospel, but heresy. The implications are extremely sobering. For the most part, the move to embrace the unbiblical term ‘Gay Christian’ has been a well-intended effort to express love, to accept and be supportive of persons who experience same-gender attraction who have self-identified as being gay. For those of us who are old enough to remember the reactionary, unloving, rejecting, even cruel responses to gays that ‘Bible-believing’ Christians often gave, this change of heart seems to right a wrong. For 30-somethings and younger who have been so effectively propagandized by the gay agenda in our culture, welcoming, accepting and affirming ‘Gay Christians’—...