Qld University Researcher says- People who Vote NO for homosexual marriage are dumb

Academic says people who are against legalizing homosexual marriage are 'not intelligent enough to take part in a meaningful debate. Brisbane academic Francisco Perales says homosexual marriage opponents are dumb and are unable to process complex ideas . He cited his own research to argue they were unmoved by facts or other views. Dr Francisco Perales, a senior research fellow with the University of Queensland's Institute for Social Science Research , argues those opposed to redefining marriage struggled with processing complex ideas. The Brisbane-based academic, who specialises in 'gender and sexual identity ', said opponents of changing the Marriage Act lacked the cognitive ability to process complex ideas, discern facts from speculation and critically engage with new or diverse viewpoints. So, ministers of religion, Ex-PM John Howard, teachers, academics, doctors, nurses, politicians are all dumb when they oppose immoral homosexual marriage! In ...