A response to Brad Chilcott - Jesus and Homosexuality

Although Jesus did not speak explicitly about homosexuality, His implicit references amount to a condemnation of homosexual activity and thought. Such implicit references exist in references to Sodom , and they complement His teachings on the nature of marriage, on inward purity, and His insistence on upholding the righteous standards of the Law. The New Testament speaks with one voice on this subject. Many terms in the lists of vices found in the New Testament correspond closely to language in earlier Jewish literature where writers cite or discuss Sodom and its sin(s). Some terms in the lists of vices are broad enough to include homosexuality, or the words are associated with homosexuality elsewhere. Other references are so narrowly phrased, using such terms as bdelygma and kyōn, that they can hardly refer to anything else. Opponents might charge that this study reads into the vice lists references to same-gender activity and thought. This, of course, is...