Trump issues order supporting ban on many transgender troops, defers to Pentagon on new restrictions

President Trump issued an order late Friday that supports a ban on many transgender troops, deferring to a new Pentagon plan that essentially cancels a policy adopted by the Obama administration . The decision revokes a full ban that Trump issued last summer but disqualifies U.S. troops who have had gender reassignment surgery , as recommended by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. “By its very nature, military service requires sacrifice,” Mattis wrote in a memo to the president that was released Friday. “The men and women who serve voluntarily accept limitations on their personal liberties — freedom of speech, political activity, freedom of movement — in order to provide the military lethality and readiness necessary to ensure American citizens enjoy their personal freedoms to the fullest extent.” Current transgender service members who have not undergone reassignment surgery should be allowed to stay, as long as they have been medically stable for 36 consecutive months in their ...