Was the Orlando massacre an instance of gay-on-gay violence?

Now that Orlando mass killer Omar Mateen’s alleged homosexual lover has come forward to claim Mateen was taking vengeance against Hispanic gays after being badly treated in carnal relations, we can have a new place to categorize the shocking event: gay-on-gay violence. Unless, that is, President Barack Obama’s FBI can erase all copies of “Miguel’s” testimony from Youtube and from our collective memories, like it scrubbed out all the Islamic references from Mateen’s 911 call he made from the nightclub. Even before Miguel showed up, we had a wealth of culprits: there was the gun lobby, the lax gun laws and the abundance of “assault-like” rifles they permitted in America; there were conservative, Christians whose allegedly “homophobic” beliefs encouraged the mass killing, and, of course, there was the category the president tried to suppress: that Mateen’s was another act of Islamic jihadism. Of course, we’ve only got Mateen’s word for that. Though many, call them “Republicans...