Australia: Airbnb wants you to wear an LGBTQ ring - gimmick!

Launched on Monday, the campaign's called "Until We All Belong," and it has the backing of Google as well as Australia 's largest airline, Qantas, and national bank ANZ . Why is ANZ, QANTAS spending shareholders money on sexual immorality? Does Airbnb really think homosexual marriage will bring belonging and acceptance? Sodomy will always be sodomy. Designed by Marc Newson , the matte black "Acceptance Rings" (which don't completely link up to make a full circle) are a symbol of the need to "close the gap" in marriage equality. This is no different than Kylie Minogue and her sexual partner who said they would not marry until immoral homosexual marriage was made legal. They promoted another gimmick - a very corny t-shirt. Unfortunately, their promise fell flat as her boyfriend ran off with another woman. So much for marriage promises! This is Airbnb justification for supporting sodomy: Airbnb CEO and head of community, Brian Chesky , sa...