Anglican Church endorsed homosexual marriage - attendances still dramatically dropping

Anglican prelates are in the historic precincts of Canterbury, England, as the world’s largest Protestant denomination struggles to maintain unity. Hosted by the Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Justin Welby , lord archbishop of Canterbury and spiritual head of the Anglican Communion , the meeting of primates, as the heads of the 39 national or regional churches historically and ecclesiastically aligned with the Church of England are called, comes at a time of increasingly deep differences. On one hand there is the establishment, underpinned by both the traditional deference shown to the archbishop of Canterbury and the loyalty that inevitably comes with the influence peddling of the wealthy U.S.-based Episcopal Church . The establishment seeks to preserve the Anglican Communion as it exists now, despite the very real possibility that the already deep differences could become a schism with churches in the so-called Global South — Africa, South America and Southeast Asia — ceasing to recogn...