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Gays protest Kirk Cameron's Christian conference on marriage

Actor Kirk Cameron, at Calvary Baptist Church in Manhattan, May 5, 2007. Photo by Luigi Novi. You are free to use this photo as long as I am visibly credited in each instance in which it is used. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Protesters gathered in front of the Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove, New Jerser last Friday to rally against actor Kirk Cameron 's presence at a Christian conference, claiming his expressed convictions on marriage are harmful to gays and lesbians. Reportedly 100 protesters, mainly part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community ( LGBT ), marched silently in front of the Great Auditorium to protest Cameron's Christian views regarding homosexuality. The protesters, a part of the self-described civil rights group Ocean Grove United, marched with signs that read "Kirk! Your Words Hurt Us!" as roughly 6,000 couples showed up to hear Cameron speak on "Love Worth Fighting For," a presentation on Christian marriage . In...