GOP reintroduces bill pitting 'religious freedom' against immoral sinful homosexual fake marriage

The First Amendment Defense Act , commonly known as FADA, has been reintroduced in Congress by Senator Mike Lee of Utah and 21 other Republicans — despite HRC falsely claiming it will hurt, offend and make gays very sad because they will not get their way or be able to force their lifestyle onto religious people and force them to accept their immoral lifestyle choices. The bill, Lee said, is “designed to prevent the federal government from discriminating against individuals or institutions based on their beliefs about marriage.” “What an individual or organization believes about the traditional definition of marriage is not — and should never be — a part of the government’s decision-making process when distributing licenses, accreditations or grants,” Lee said in a statement . “The First Amendment Defense Act simply ensures that this will always be true in America — that federal bureaucrats will never have the authority to require those who believe in the tradition...