Can we change the minds of gay marriage zealots?

The Atlantic has up until now been horrendous about labeling anyone who doesn't support same-sex marriage homophobes. But they published this piece by a gay guy saying that gays should stop labeling people homophobes just because they don't agree with their hard-boiled and uncompromising "equality" (Orwellian phrase) agenda.

I thank Brandon Ambrosino for this gesture. But I don't think it's much of a game changer. I've heard this before -- many, many, many times, from the people pushing same-sex parenting. They want to listen, to understand, to be respectful ... as long as we eventually admit to having been wrong, shut up, and let them go on pushing their sexual destruction on every corner of the globe. I've been around the block with ligbitist writers too many times not to recognize this sly little game: knowing they're getting a bit too bossy and people in the middle of all these debates might suddenly realize they're the intolerant and pushy ones, a few on their side have to feign reasonableness and sympathy, lest their ongoing ruse of being a victim class buckle.

But still, I must admit, I have deep respect for Ambrosino's line when he says that he contains gayness, his gayness doesn't contain him. It's good for a gay man to say that, because not enough gay people do, and it's an important concept. We are much more than our erotic tastes. Nonetheless, he still seems totally entrenched in all the ligbitist shibboleths, and whether he calls us antigay or not, he thinks we're clueless, un-evolved, and inferior. I'd rather be called "anti-gay" than be called uninformed and primitive. I appreciate the gesture, I just know its limits.

I bring this up why? Now, from time to time, I run across the well-meaning conservative who really thinks things are going to turn around if they "build bridges" to the gay community and try to open up a dialogue. 

For years, I've never seen such bridge-building end well, unless you decide to capitulate 100% to your gay friends, beg for forgiveness for ever having not agreed that children are property for sale to the highest-bidding gay couples and wealthy gay screenwriters have every right to chase after teenage boys and everybody should bake gay wedding cakes and arrange gay bouquets and kiss gay people's butts, and go around denouncing all your former traditionalist allies.

If you simply stand your ground and say, "look, I'm not retarded, ligbitists, I'm actually right in this argument and your cockemamey quest for marriage 'equality' is a joke because it doesn't actually help gay people and it wastes everybody's time/energy and it results in the treatment of children like property," besides getting called a homophobe (this is like hearing "good morning" to me at this point, I don't even care if people call me a homophone anymore), you will get successive waves of aggression from the supposedly peaceful pro-gay polemicists, moving gradually from passive aggresive to hostile to violent. And you end up feeling like Errol Flynn here, regretting you ever went to the damned dinner to sit and try to have a civil conversation with entitled ligbitists who want nothing more than to call you a bigot and unleash Floyd Corkins on you with his rifle and 15 Chick Fil-A sandwiches:

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