California lawmakers are criminalizing any Christian response to same-sex attraction

There was an interview with a gay rights activist, who highlighted the claims of those who oppose gay "marriage" that religious liberty would be restricted, that parental rights would be under threat, and that LGBT material would be added to school curriculums. Gay Activist: These people are lying, and they know they're lying. This is utterly false , the activist assured the interviewer with righteous indignation. Every single thing opponents of same-sex "marriage" warned about has taken place . Of course, LGBT activists have moved on and forgotten their convenient deceits. For most of them, this was the plan all along. California has been on the cutting edge of legislating the sexual revolution for some time, but nothing has been quite as terrifying as the passage of Bill 2943 through the California State Assembly last week. I don't want to appear as if I'm simply fear-mongering, so after wading through quite a bit of analysis on this l...