LGBT activists are labeling the Oscars a huge victory, but most aren’t watching

After months of endless, unsurprising news about sexual predation, pedophilia, and perfidy in Hollywood , the American public has lost interest in the self-congratulatory Academy Awards telecast. The number of Oscar Awards viewers plummeted precipitously, dropping a whopping 16 percent from last year. While the American public is disinterested in actors moralizing acceptance speeches – and industry execs are troubled, if not panicked, over declining numbers – one group couldn’t be happier. The gay/transgender world is giddy because it perceives some of the awards handed out last night to be victories for the homosexual and transgender causes. “On Sunday evening, ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel dropped an absolute stinker of a performance – bland, flat, and politically correct,” wrote Ben Shapiro at The Wire . “But he did drop one joke that landed: a joke targeting Vice President Mike Pence , but accidentally exposing Hollywood for what it is. Not...