
Showing posts with the label Karl Rove

Gary Bauer: If GOP abandons marriage ‘I will take as many people’ out of the party as possible

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 26, 2013 ( ) – If the Republican Party abandons its traditional defense of marriage, it will lead to an exodus of voters from the GOP, former presidential candidate and Reagan administration appointee Gary Bauer said today.  He told thousands at the March for Marriage that he knew many of the attendees were Democrats, independents, or belonged to a third party. “I'm a Republican,” he said in rising cadences. “Let me say to my party: If you bail out on this issue, I will leave the party, and I will take as many people with me as I possibly can!” His speech seemed to take aim at the assessment of Republican strategist Karl Rove , who said on Sunday that  he could see the next Republican presidenital candidate supporting gay “marriage.” Bauer's  cri de couer  is the most blunt reaction so far to suggestions from the Republican Party's leadership that the GOP step away from its platform's traditional stance on s...

Many black pastors remain opposed to same-sex marriage

W ASHINGTON - They love President Barack Obama . But when it comes to his support for same-sex marriage, some of the nation’s leading African- American clergy are divided, sometimes passionately. Meeting in Washington on Thursday, the Conference of National Black Churches couldn’t reach agreement. As a group, the only thing they found conclusive was that the Bible - Old and New Testament- presents no consensus when it comes to homosexuality. But most of the ministers, pastors and theological scholars expressed firm positions on marrying same-sex couples. "I love all homosexual brothers and sisters, but my discipline says I can’t marry them," said Bishop John Adams, an African Methodist Episcopal minister and former conference chairman. "Same-sex marriages are not being approved by the Christian community because it is a contradiction of creation. . . . The species continues by the procreation of male and female." Michael Eric Dyson , a Georgetown Uni...

Obama only wants re-election with homosexual marriage

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, 2008 US presidential candidate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Vice President Joe Biden happens to mention that he has no problem with same-sex marriage. Then President Obama says that he supports it. Then some schoolmates of Mitt Romney say he and his buddies held down a shy, quiet student they thought to be gay, and chopped off his hair. The Republicans might want to reconsider their talking points about this " community organizer " who is in over his head. As political theater, Karl Rove could not have scripted this any better. First, you learn all about Romney's school days -- and you realize you have some credible ammunition. But how to use it? You trot out well-known gaffe-meister Joe Biden to make the statement. If all hell breaks loose, duck and cover -- it's just Joe being Joe. If all looks clear, come out ...

Tim Gill's millions pushes immoral gay marriage

Image via Wikipedia Colorado millionaire Tim Gill 's low-profile campaign against same-sex marriage opponents in New York state in the midterm election -- a strategy that paid big dividends with the passage of same-sex marriage legislation last night.  The Wall Street Journal looks more at Gill's role in changing  the political calculus in Albany: Last year, Mr. Gill's group pumped in nearly $1 million into a political action committee called Fight Back NY, which financed attack ads against three vulnerable senators—Democrats Hiram Monserrate and Bill Stachowski and Republican Frank Padavan —who voted against the bill in 2009. They lost their seats to gay-marriage friendly candidates. "We wanted to send a very strong and clear message about what happens when you double-cross us," said Mr. Gill's political director, Bill Smith, an Alabama-born political operative who began his career in the 1990s working under the tutelage of Karl Rove . Mr. Smith then hir...