The illogical concept of homosexual marriage - biology says no!

ARISTOTLE is claimed to have said: ‘‘The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal’’. I believe this statement in essence sums up the fallacy of the same-sex marriage debate – the argument that says an intimate relationship between two men or two women is the same as a husband-wife relationship. Clearly they are not the same. Not wanting to state the obvious – there are considerable differences in these relationships, the most apparent one being that men and women are undeniably dissimilar. ‘‘Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus’’ as one author put it. The union of a man and a woman brings a complementarity at a completely different level to that of two men and two women. The strengths and weaknesses of each gender offer a ‘‘completing’’ like no other relationship. The second elephant in the room is the fact that a male and female can reproduce. It is a general truth that children are a natural product of a marriage relationship. Marriage brings a permanenc...