In the war on family life, why are most American men neutral observers?

What will it take to rouse the protective instincts of American fathers? The role of a father is to protect his family. The role of a man—a real man, I mean—is to protect the vulnerable. Yet the vast majority of American men today are sitting idly by, couch-potato spectators, while their families are menaced and their vulnerable neighbors victimized. For over 40 years now, we have tolerated the destruction of unborn children. We have averted our gaze as more and more elderly hospital patients succumbed to the effects of the steadily increasing morphine drip. We have allowed Planned Parenthood to encourage high-school students toward promiscuity, and homosexual activists to recruit adolescents to their cause. So is it any surprise that the vanguard of the sexual revolution has advanced further into our lives? Let me cite just a few frightening cases: In Massachusetts , the state’s highest court has ruled that the names of some criminals convicted of sexual ...