Lies, seduction, and criminal activity: pro-family group exposes homosexual ‘Out in Schools’ program
Image via Wikipedia A national organization located in British Columbia is seeking to expose what they argue are the lies, seduction, and criminal activity at the heart of the homosexual agenda being pushed on students in Canadian schools. “I believe parents will be shocked and righteously angry when they find out what their children have been subjected to. I hope parents sue their local school boards!” said Kari Simpson, President of Culture Guard, an organization that seeks to safeguard community values such as the natural family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life. The Lies Simpson uncovered what she says was only the tip of the iceberg of the strategy to indoctrinate kids into what she calls the “ homosexist sex-activism culture” when she came across Out in Schools (OIS) . The program targets students aged 13-18 years and aims to bring “queer films” to local schools to “facilitate discussion with youth on bullying, homophobia and stereotypes” and to provide a “safe ...