Transgender author plays the victim card again

Read the article below to try to understand how some writers or transgender writers portray themselves as victims instead of seeing their condition as a mental health condition, which it is. The author wants to promote transgender as normal and healthy like homosexuality but is blaming the media for a scare campaign. When you are convinced you are right -especially when you are wrong and are in an unhealthy mental state it is no wonder people object. Notice the use of words like "moral panic' "fear" "history repeating itself." This is blame everybody else for our immoral mental health lifestyle choices. The author is claiming everybody else is wrong and he is right. Madness! Article: As gay and bisexual men and women were making limited strides in the struggle for equality not so long ago, a furious backlash followed. Today’s media-driven moral panic over trans people and their rights seems like history repeating itself. Over the past few weeks, ...