Supreme Court sides with Christian baker who refused to do gay ‘wedding’ cake

In a major religious liberty victory, the United States Supreme Court has ruled 7-2 that the government may not force Christian business owners to participate in same-sex “weddings.” The Court determined the Christian business owner in question, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop, did not get a fair hearing with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission after he declined to make a cake for a gay “wedding.” Pro-family and pro-LGBT advocates were closely watching the case, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, as it will have enormous ramifications for the implementation of same-sex “marriage” in the U.S. three years after the Court imposed it on the country. The Court determined Phillips’ unfair hearing violated the Constitution’s “Free Exercise” of religion clause. The seven justices all essentially agreed that the Civil Rights Commission hadn’t treated Phillips’ Christian faith with neutrality. In a major surprise, Justice Anthony Kennedy, known for his sympathy t...