God made you gay’: Did Pope Francis just tell the lie of the century?

Pope Francis ’ alleged infelicitous counsel to a gay man , if not retracted, risks slowly killing the same-sex attracted by affirming them to death. In other words, the Pope is saying that the Holy God created, approved and promoted the sin of homosexuality According to multiple reports , a gay man who visited Pope Francis at the Vatican last week is alleging the Pope told him, “God made you gay.” The allegation comes from Juan Carlos Cruz , one of the child victims of sexual abuse by Chilean clergy. The comment has quickly coiled around the world. Such a strong remark, from such a seat of moral and spiritual authority, would surely tighten the already strong grip of LGBT ideology. In this alleged comment, the Jesuit Pontiff made a giant leap from his already confounding, impenetrable, “Who am I to judge?” suggesting to the world that the Church is treading down a path to justifying LGBT identity and activity as fully norma...