1st Amendment rights to practice religion - crushed by Obama Federal Judge Homosexual ruling

A Obama appointed federal judge on Monday ruled that clerks in Mississippi may not recuse themselves from issuing marriage licenses to immoral homosexual marriage on religious beliefs, despite a bill passed by the state legislature intended to carve out that exception for them. U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves said that the recusals on religious grounds granted by the state's so-called "Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act", or House Bill 1523, violated the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark 2015 ruling legalizing immoral homosexual marriage. But Mississippi's lieutenant governor, Tate Reeves, quickly slammed the ruling in a written statement. "If this opinion by the federal court denies even one Mississippian of their fundamental right to practice their religion, then all Mississippians are denied their 1st Amendment rights,” Reeves said. "I hope the state’s attorneys will quickly appeal this decision to the 5th Circuit ...