
Showing posts with the label Social Sciences

Is Homosexuality biologically determined?

Diane Arbus photograph, Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey, 1967. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Even the researchers themselves have encouraged us to be careful of drawing quick conclusions on this issue because in the past researchers have reported genetic links to such mental disorders as schizophrenia and manic depression, only to have that link disappear when more data was compiled or the original data was re-analyzed. They give this warning in the LA Times in the article "Studies Strongly Link Genetics and Homosexuality ." So I would extend that caution as well and listen more carefully to the cautionary statements, the guarded statements that relate to conclusions that come from the scientists involved, as opposed to the less guarded and more aggressive political conclusions that those who are involved in political groups are stating. In the articles that I've read we see both the scientists' assertions and the political, sociological applications that som...


By Jeff Johnston Ask people today  if  men and women are different or  how  men and women are different. You’re likely to get a wide variety of responses. Some will insist that there is no difference between men and women – except for reproductive organs . Many will say that all differences between the two sexes are learned; they are a social construct . Some will question your basic premise that there are two sexes. Why limit it to only two? Others will insist that gender is fluid, that people can express hundreds of different genders, or that gender is changeable, that a man can transition into a woman. Many people will not even know how to respond, or whether they should respond. Isn’t it sexist to say that women are different from men? What a state of confusion we live in. While obviously we can’t delve very deeply into this topic in a short article, here are some of the things we believe about men and women and why it matters that there are two sexes. MALE AN...