Confused Lesbian Journalist student who knows better than God

Isabelle Laker is a journalism student who wrote an article for the Brisbane Times asking the question: Why do 34 Anglican schools want the right to reject gay people like me? She tells her story but completely misses the point regarding Christian education. For Laker, Christian values are limited to, " respect and treated everyone with dignity." But is that the full picture of Christianity? Below is her story. My teacher, a kind but reserved woman in her thirties, was referring to one of my classmates. The one who spread the rumor that was going around about me. The one where I was a lesbian. I was 14 years old, two years into my high school career at one of the Lower North Shore's exclusive Christian private girls’ schools, and the rumor was true. She spoke to me with respect and treated me with dignity, the way our school taught us to interact with everyone. With Christian values. In a school where I could be expelled for my sexual orientation,...