Transgender trendy - but reversals rising

Gender reassignment surgery has been available on the NHS for more than 17 years. It’s a treatment for those experiencing gender dysphoria, whereby a person recognises a discrepancy between their biological sex and their gender identity . Gender identity clinics are in place throughout the UK to provide support to those feeling distressed by the condition - but what happens when a trans person undergoes surgery and later decides to revert back to their original gender? READ MORE John Lewis gender neutral clothing labels faces public backlash Is it possible? Is it safe? And is it available on the NHS? These are not questions that are not easily-answered. Five phone calls and endless emails later, the details regarding what circumstances would allow for such a treatment to be carried out on the NHS remain muddled. It's potentially why some of those seeking “reversal” surgeries are heading to a clinic in Serbia , where Professor Misoslav Djordjevic ha...