U.S. Bishop: No funerals, Communion for people in same-sex ‘marriages’

Those in same-sex "marriages" shouldn't present themselves to or be admitted to Holy Communion , nor may they receive a Catholic funeral if they died without showing signs of repentence, Illinois Bishop Thomas Paprocki says. Paprocki is the Catholic bishop of Springfield, Illinois and well-known to the pro-life and pro-family movements for his defense of Catholic orthodoxy and morality. On June 12, Paprocki signed a " Decree Regarding Same-Sex 'Marriage' and Related Pastoral Issues ." It was sent to priests and diocesan staff last week and subsequently leaked to media sympathetic with the homosexual cause. "The Church has not only the authority, but the serious obligation, to affirm its authentic teaching on marriage and to preserve and foster the sacred value of the married state," Paprocki explained after reminding his flock of "the clear and consistent teaching of the Catholic Church since her founding by Our Lord Jesus C...