Transgender activist and Greens candidate Martine Delaney demands Christians be re-educated on homosexuality

The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference issued a pastoral booklet titled: Don’t Mess with Marriage. The booklet was distributed in parishes and to parents whose children attend Catholic schools. But then transgender activist and Greens candidate Martine Delaney made a complaint to the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commission, arguing that religious freedom is not absolute in a secular society. Delaney sought a public apology from the Australian Catholic Bishops and a re-education program implemented for staff and students at Catholic schools . The complaint was eventually withdrawn, but the law still remains. Redefining marriage will usher in anti-discrimination laws to fuel attacks like that even further. This is one example of the gay radical agenda. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (“LGBT”) activists want to require the majority to move beyond tolerance to endorsement. To accomplish that end, LGBT activists have radically moved from telling us to “stay...