Another Catholic School Is Under Fire For Actually Being Catholic

Over the past few years, Catholic schools have been the targets of people and organizations who seek to use the schools as a way of attacking the Church’s teachings, particularly those on human sexuality. Typically, what happens is that the school, either in ignorance or out of guilt felt by school administrators over Church teachings, hires a homosexual teacher or administrator or staff member. After some period of time, that person “comes out” with a “domestic partner.” Then the school is forced to either accept the scandal of the Church employing someone living, in legal parlance, “openly and notoriously,” in violation of Church teachings or fire them and become the latest “intolerant Catholic school” story. Now we have another of those stories emerging. (h/t to our new colleagues at pjmedia.) A homosexual couple tried to enroll their child in St. Ann Catholic School in Prairie Village, a suburb of Kansas City, KS. This presented the school with a major problem. Either ac...