Apostate Uniting Church inundated with homosexuals seeking sodomite fake marriage

The Paddington Uniting Church in Sydney was bombarded with requests from immoral homosexual couples to get married in the church. For its resident minister Ben Gilmore — an immoral homosexual man himself — it was affirmation that religion and same-sex attraction did not have to be at odds. For Ben Gilmore it is not God who affirms his doctrine - it is homosexuals who want to marry that affirm his misguided apostate theology. he says the following: " Faith and spirituality are core to what it means to be human, like our gender and our sexuality is, so having the right to marry is important for everyone," he said. I think there is lots of LGBTIQ people in the church who would be keen to have their union celebrated in the church." So this rebellious Uniting Church is attractive to fake sodomite couples who believe rather than repenting before God for the sin of homosexuality - believe that because the wedding will be in church that God will approve. This is si...