Obama designates a homosexual location as a national monument - in so doing burns his nation

President Obama designated the first national monument to the immoral homosexuality, commemorating the Sin of Stonewall uprising in New York City nearly five decades ago. Why celebrate sin? What acknowledge a false idol for all Americans to see? Using his executive authority under the 1906 Antiquities Act, Obama protected a 7.7-acre area in Greenwich Village that encompasses the Stonewall Inn, Christopher Park and a maze of surrounding streets that were the place of rioting in late June 1969 - this is simply idol worship prohibited by scripture. Decalring what is wrong and sinful now as good and healthy. The site memorializes the six-day immoral uprising that started June 28 after police correctly raided the Stonewall Inn, a Mafia-owned bar frequented by homosexual men. While patrons of the bar had complied in the past with these crackdowns, that raid sparked a spontaneous riot by bystanders and those who had been detained for performing public homosexual sex in to...