New Jersey archbishop removes priest from ministry for LGBT activism

A Catholic archbishop has suspended an openly homosexual priest in the wake of his ongoing support for LGBT causes. Father Warren Hall tweeted Wednesday that Newark Archbishop John Myers suspended him from priestly ministry, meaning he is no longer permitted to publicly offer Mass or present himself as a priest. Hall told Religion News Service that Myers suspended him for supporting a former Catholic high school employee who was fired for being in a same-sex “marriage.” The woman, Kate Drumgoole, is suing Paramus Catholic High School. Earlier this week, Myers released a letter supporting the school . “It seems that many have equated, mistakenly, the Church’s position of welcoming sinners (for we are all sinners) with the notion that we accept teaching and lifestyles contrary to the principles of our faith that can create scandal in our Church,” the archbishop wrote. “Much has been said in recent days about respect, diversity, and mercy. … For decades I have taught and wr...