Australia: Politician Eric Abetz denies suggesting gays can become straight

Senator Eric Abetz has stated clearly that homosexuals can become straight, during a TV interview. Asked by Samantha Maiden on Sky News on Tuesday if, “do you personally believe that gays and lesbians can pull up their bootstraps and show a bit of discipline and become heterosexuals . Do you actually think they can stop being who they are in some way?,” Senator Abetz said: “The reality is, and evidence has been given to Senate Committees , where people that have been in gay relationships have gone into heterosexual relationships and I believe that can happen courtesy of the evidence." Senator is not talking specifically about a small number bi-sexual people who are driven by confusion and possibily lust, but those who have testified that they no longer are homosexual and return to heterosexuality. The media seems to have convinced itself this is not possible. The reason why, is because it undermines the whole homosexual equality marriage argument because it be...