
Showing posts with the label Heterosexuality

Australia: Politician Eric Abetz denies suggesting gays can become straight

Senator Eric Abetz has stated clearly that homosexuals can become straight, during a TV interview. Asked by Samantha Maiden on Sky News on Tuesday if, “do you personally believe that gays and lesbians can pull up their bootstraps and show a bit of discipline and become heterosexuals . Do you actually think they can stop being who they are in some way?,”  Senator Abetz said: “The reality is, and evidence has been given to Senate Committees , where people that have been in gay relationships have gone into heterosexual relationships and I believe that can happen courtesy of the evidence."  Senator is not talking specifically about a small number bi-sexual people who are driven by confusion and possibily lust, but those who have testified that they no longer are homosexual and return to heterosexuality. The media seems to have convinced itself this is not possible. The reason why, is because it undermines the whole homosexual equality marriage argument because it become

If I am a Christian who experiences same sex attraction, will I become more heterosexual as I become more mature in my walk with Christ?

Some Christians in this situation will discover an increased self-understanding of heterosexual orientation.  I know couples who have come together as husband and wife after one or both struggled with  same-sex attraction , and who found great fulfillment and joy in the gift of heterosexual marriage and the gift of children. But this should not be  the universal expectation.  Many other believers strive to be faithful to Christ and obey the Word  but experience no heterosexual pattern of sexual arousal . Progressive  sanctification through the Holy Spirit will come for Christians who  experience same-sex attraction, but that does not mean they will become  more heterosexual the more they grow in godliness.  Sanctification leads  us into holiness and out of sin. This is why sanctification may lead  an individual with same-sex attraction into holy celibacy, rather than  heterosexuality. Related articles The Heterosexual Questionnaire: 25 Questions for Straigh

Homosexuals can't claim liberation like black racial liberation

The argument comparing Homosexual marriage to Black racial liberation is now seen as completely false because you can't tell if a homosexual by race. But now the pro-homosexual  groups will seek to make homosexuality normal. Just get to know, we are just like you.  This article below is the attempt by the Australian ABC to present Homosexuals as normal people. Using "gaydar" to identify if someone is homosexual is a harmful waste of time, researchers claim. A team from University of Wisconsin-Madison challenged what they identified as "the gaydar myth" and found not only was it inaccurate, it was a damaging form of stereotyping . A 2008 study from a different group of researchers suggested people could accurately identify someone's sexual orientation based on photographs of their faces. But in the University of Wisconsin-Madison team's paper published in the Journal of Sex Research , this was found to be untrue based on the parameters of

Response to Mr. Vines' conclusion on the Bible and Homosexuality

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Mr. Vines says, "The Bible never directly addresses, and it certainly does not condemn, loving, committed same-sex relationships. There is no biblical teaching about sexual orientation , nor is there any call to lifelong celibacy for gay people." The way Mr. Vines has phrased the issue is in favor of his conclusion, but the  Bible  does discuss the issue of homosexuality and clearly condemns it.  Mr. Vines has admitted so in his examination of Leviticus 18:22, which he mistakenly says is not applicable to Christians today.  He says there is no biblical teaching about the topic of "sexual orientation."  However, the Bible addresses "sin orientation" and condemns it.  Homosexuality is a sinful orientation. Mr. Vines says, "if the remedy against sexual sin for straight Christians is marriage, why should the remedy for g

Matthew Vines and Homosexuality

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew Vines is a young homosexual who, on March 8, 2012, spoke at College Hill United Methodist Church in Kansas in defense of biblical support for homosexuality.  He taught from scripture in a church.  His Youtube video of the event has, as of June 2012, received over 500,000 views.  On his website at is a complete transcript of that speech (9,876 words or about 21, 8.5" x 11" pages).  I emailed Mr. Vines asking for permission to reprint it and interject comments into it for an article here on CARM .  As far as I know, I received no reply.  Therefore, I've written articles in response to his arguments where I have quoted him and addressed his basic assertions. Please understand I have no ill will towards Mr. Vines.  I am sure he's a nice guy.  I am not homophobic--nor a bigot.  I just disagree with hom

Sexual Orientation and Truth Orientation

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) People talk about  homosexuality  in terms of sexual orientation -- you know, the "way they are oriented regarding sex."  That got me thinking.  What do you do with those who have a different "truth orientation"? -- you know, the "way they are oriented regarding truth."  I think that the homosexual proponents should be consistent and advocate civil rights to those who have a different truth orientation; that is, they should support the legal protection of liars. Is this ridiculous?  If so, why?  Both sexual orientation and truth orientation are "natural" to the person, aren't they?  Both sexual orientation and truth orientation are behaviors , right?  Shouldn't both groups of people be free to love whom they want and lie to whom they want?  Shouldn't both be free to express their natural born tendenc

What benefit does homosexuality provide in society?

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Does the lifestyle of homosexuality benefit society ?  Now, I'm not talking about how homosexuals can attain their sexual jollies and make themselves feel good. I'm talking about the benefits to society as a whole.  How would the proponents of homosexuality answer the question? Well, to find out. I asked this question on the CARM forums and received many interesting replies. I cited several of them and provided responses. 1.  "Why does homosexuality have to benefit society? How does red hair benefit society? Or white skin?" Homosexuality is a lifestyle, a behavior. Lifestyles and behaviors can have beneficial or harmful effects on one's self and others. We know this is true because the homosexual community has a high degree of diseases such as AIDS which affects their own health and even the help of others, i.e., contaminated t

Romans 1:26-27 and Homosexuality

English: Gender symbols, sexual orientation: heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. Česky: (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error," (Rom. 1:26-27, NASB ). Some argue that Romans 1:26-27 does not condemn homosexuality per se, but is instead condemning unnatural love.  In other words, the verses condemn the act of going against what a person's natural sexual orientation really is.  So, if it is natural for a person to be attracted to someone of the same sex, then it would be "unnatural" for that person to go against his/her homosexual orientation .  Is this argument sound?  No, it is not.  Let's

Hate Crimes and Homosexuality

English: Protesters for gay marriage at the 2009 Marcha Gay in Mexico City (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A hate crime is defined as . . . "A hate crime is usually defined by state law as one that involves threats, harassment, or physical harm and is motivated by prejudice against someone's race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or physical or mental disability." 1 I'm amazed at how successful the homosexual community has been to get "hate crime" added in legalese to include their sexual behavior within it.  This way, they can get special rights and protection for their lifestyle.  Remember, homosexuality is a behavior and a lifestyle; race, color, religion, national origin, and ethnicity are not.  So, by having what they call "sexual orientation" included in the definition of hate crime, this means that the exact same crime against a homosexual is met with a stiffer penalty than against anyone else.  How is