Former gay man: Christ’s cross has power to purge Church of homosexual corruption

The time has come to look at homosexuality in the Church using a better lens. Lack of tolerance isn’t the problem. Affirmation of wrongly-ordered lives and trivialization of the Gospel, however, are, and they have served to diminish the meaning and power of the Cross of Christ, and the sublime beauty of His love for His Bride, the Church. Our discussions about homosexuality have camouflaged the truth When it comes to discussions about the origins of same-sex attraction in people’s lives, only two possibilities are considered: Homosexuals are either ‘born that way,’ or we are that way because of some anomaly in our upbringing. The now firmly ensconced LGBT establishment has settled on ‘born that way’ because it allows gay activists to argue for constitutional protections based on an immutable characteristic, albeit a contrived one. It also allows homosexuals to endlessly portray themselves as victims. These are tactics, not truths, though they ‘feel’ like truth because they’ve ...