Small U.S. town bans ‘Gay Pride’ parade, now targeted by nation’s top LGBT activist groups

A small town in Mississippi turned down a parade permit for homosexuals , who in response are filing a lawsuit and creating a national uproar. Starkville city council voted 4-3 on Tuesday the 20 th against a special event request to host and pay for accommodating the first celebration of homosexuality through their main streets. Attending the Starkville council meeting were members of the community speaking against the parade. “If anything should be held up and down our streets, it should not be this,” resident Dorothy Isaac said . “Do not turn our city into a sin city.” “This is a very inclusive, a very friendly place, a very friendly city, a very friendly county, but every city has to have limits,” Rev. Thomas Rogers of Josey Creek Missionary Baptist Church stated . “Cities without walls are easily taken.” He noted that the parade organizers asked for a “special privilege.” “God made Adam and Eve,” Isaac reminded the council....