University of British Columbia launches plan to train all faculty in LGBT ‘inclusion’

The University of British Columbia ’s Education Faculty has partnered with a homosexual advocacy group to train all of its faculty in LGBT “inclusion,” with hopes to take the program to the rest of the university faculties. DailyXtra reported last week: “Starting in September 2016, every faculty member, staff person and student in UBC’s Faculty of Education will get training on every level: from bathrooms to teacher-training to policy inclusion and climate within the faculty, all the way to the dean, says the faculty’s senior associate dean , Mary K Bryson.” The rest of UBC, Bryson adds, will gradually follow her school through the process to “create and maintain an LGB/T2/Q inclusive curriculum, culture, work place, and learning environment.” Constitutional lawyer John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms warns that the program could violate faculty or staff employment rights, if people are required to subscribe to beliefs or attitudes. “As a gener...