How to response when gay couple come to church

You’re standing at your church entrance, greeting folks for morning worship. It’s the usual Sunday morning routine — until you see a pair of men walking up, holding hands. Suddenly your usual Sunday morning has turned unusual. It could go badly, and you know it. You’ll gain an instant impression based on how they’re dressed, how they approach the church, and how they greet others. You’ll mix that together with your own past experiences. If you’ve heard of homosexual activists disrupting church services, your first reaction may be to put your guard up. You don’t know what to expect. They might be there legitimately responding to His call, and you want them to feel welcome for that. Or maybe you’ve seen gays and lesbians mistreated, and you’re thinking you should bend over backward to make sure that doesn’t happen here. It took you a few seconds to read through those scenarios. You’ll form your impressions a whole lot faster than that when it happens for real. You’ll have almost exactly ...