Biology is not bigotry

LGBT activists like to portray their small community as victims of bigotry, hatred, and harassment. They use that portrayal, with the help of their allies in the media, in a relentless push to force all of society to accept their skewed, false narrative about the intrinsic nature of men and women, and human sexuality. Consider these two cases currently in the news: Isabella Chow is a student at UC Berkeley in California and is an elected member of the campus Student Senate. She is also a Christian. LGBT activists presented a student resolution to express support for transgenderism. This is not something that Chow could do and maintain her beliefs that God made us male and female. So she decided to abstain on the resolution after issuing a statement that all people, including those who identify as transgendered, are entitled to God's love and should be free from discrimination. For this, she's been brutally attacked in the public square, yelled at on the way to class, conf...