Homosexual predation on youth

The media may have painted the same-sex adoption fight as a battle over religious freedom. But there’s much more at stake. When Massachusetts wanted to force Catholic Charities ’ adoption services to submit to the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling about homosexual “marriage,” the Church refused. The media played the story as a simple confrontation over religious rights — as if Catholic Charities’ right to affirm traditional marriage is only defensible in the same way as tribal religions’ rights to get high from peyote buttons. People like Charles Mitchell who grew up with homosexual parents know that the Church’s opposition to the practice isn’t an eccentricity of Catholic belief. It’s a bold, counter-cultural stand in defense of children. Charles Mitchell and two brothers were adopted as infants by two men. He called same-sex adoption “a tragic social experiment” and said, “homosexuality destroyed a normal way of life for us.” Often, the homosexual parents shown in the media ar...