Chilling: Police investigate stay-at-home mom for tweets against transgenderism

I’ve written often in this space that the trans movement will countenance no dissent in their attempts to remake our culture and implement their agenda in schools, universities, and beyond—but even I was stunned when the Christian Post broke the story of a stay-at-home mother of four being contacted by the police for making comments critical of transgender ideology on Twitter —a story that has received very little attention so far. Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, it is important to note, is not a conservative Christian or even a political right -winger—when I emailed her, she noted in her response that she is “a feminist and pro-choice.” Keen-Minshull’s story is positively chilling. She was contacted last month, apparently because Susie Green, the CEO of a UK organization called Mermaids which “supports transgender persons,” had decided to report Keen-Minshull to the police, who then got her details from Twitter. According to the Post, “the officer told her she was a ‘test case’ i...