
Showing posts with the label Gay agenda rejected

Hollywood, LGBTQ activists in la-la land after pro-homosexual ‘Moonlight’ wins Best Picture

MOONLIGHT A DECEITFUL POLITICAL HOMOSEXUAL MOVIE  Moonlight , a low-budget, “homosexual ” coming-of-age movie about a poor, bullied, black boy with a drug-addicted mother, surprisingly won Best Picture at the Academy Awards on Sunday night, giving homosexual activists a propaganda victory as well. Once again Hollywood seeks to serve the immoral homosexual agenda. In addition to winning Best Picture, after a mistake in which   La La Land   was first announced as the winner,   Moonlight   won for Best Supporting Actor (Mahershala Ali) and Best Writing Adapted Screenplay ( Tarell Alvin McCraney and Barry Jenkins ). In accepting the award, both Jenkins and McCraney got political: “All you people who feel like there’s no mirror for you, the Academy has your back, the ACLU has your back, we have your back, and for the next four years, we will not forget you,” Jenkins said, in what   Variety   described as his addressing the alleged “rol...

‘Bigotry-assisted suicide’: LGBT activists in horror over Trump victory

Homosexual groups are expressing horror at Donald Trump ’s surprising victory and warning that it would undo the advances made by the LGBTQ movement. Leftist homosexual activist Dan Savage tweeted: “Just sitting around watching my country commit bigotry-assisted suicide tonight.” Eliza Byard, executive director of GLSEN , the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, which promotes the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism in public schools, issued a letter to the “GLSEN Family,” which reads in part: I won’t try to sugarcoat this: what happened yesterday is not ok. LGBTQ youth face losing the federal civil rights protections provided by the Obama administration, like the Title IX guidance. Any hope of passing federal LGBTQ-inclusive legislation in the next few years is gone. And our Supreme Court may well be packed with justices who will challenge our work to create LGBTQ-inclusive schools for decades to come. While we can’t go back and change the...

Dominican Catholic school bars US ambassador who brings his ‘husband’ on school visits

The signs banning U.S. Ambassador James W. Brewster and his same-sex partner from St. John the Baptist College have gone down, but only, according to the high school’s highly influential principal Father Manuel Ruiz, for Holy Week. “The entry of the United States ambassador is not allowed in this Institute San Juan Bautista,” said all three signs, the first of which appeared above the Santo Domingo private school last Monday. The controversy over the signs is just the latest expression of the outrage felt by Catholic and Evangelical Protestant leaders at what they see as Brewster’s promotion of the homosexual agenda since being sworn in as ambassador in 2013, the same day the LGBT activist “married” his long time companion Bob J. Satawake. “He is violating our law every time he visits a school with his husband." “He is violating our law every time he visits a school with his husband,” Fidel Lorenzo, leader of the 9,000-church Dominican Council of Evangelical Unity told L...

Australia: Qld Government hiding safe schools running homosexual indoctrination program

The Australian Christian Lobby QLD Director Wendy Francis said it was time the QLD Government comes clean and releases the names of the schools that have signed up to the controversial so-called Safe Schools program, particularly as concerns with the program linger. “It is not good enough for the QLD Government to keep secret from parents the names of the schools that are using the Safe Schools Coalition resources,” Ms Francis said. “It is hard for Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Education Minister Kate Jones to defend their position when the Federal Government has called for greater transparency in the program and there remains deep concerns with the remaining gender ideology. “It is disturbing that the Opposition Party has been kept in the dark about the full extent of the program’s use in QLD.” Last month the ACL resorted to lodging a freedom of information request in order to obtain the names of the schools involved. The ACL in QLD is running a petition against the S...

Should Christian parents allow their children to play at the homes of children who have parents in a same-sex union?

Christians tend to swing between two problematic extremes on this issue. On the one hand, we often believe that friendship with someone forces us to deny the sinfulness of his sin. On the other hand, Christians often mistakenly believe biblical faithfulness requires us to separate from anyone involved in ongoing public sin. Neither of these options is faithful to the gospel. Since a simple yes or no will not serve us in this situation, I propose that we remember the following truths and let them inform our worldview and ethical decisions on these matters. First, I would encourage Christians not to radically separate from our neighbors in such a way that we prohibit our children from playing with their children. Instead, we should make every effurt to develop real and authentic friendships with our LGBT neighbors. Paul tells us "not to associate with sexually immoral people" (1 Cor. 5:9). He follows up these words with, "Not at all meaning the sexually immoral of...

Christian who refused to print ‘Gay Pride’ t-shirts gets support from LGBT business owners

LEXINGTON, Kentucky,– A Christian business owner who was targeted for not printing " Gay Pride " t-shirts is getting support from an unlikely ally: lesbian business owners. "No one should be forced to do something against what they believe in. If we were approached by an organization such as the Westboro Baptist Church , I highly doubt we would be doing business with them, and we would be very angry if we were forced to print anti-gay t-shirts," said Diane DiGeloromo, one of two lesbians who owns BMP T -shirts. "This isn't a gay or straight issue. This is a human issue."   Issued by Becket Fund for Religious Liberty , DiGeloromo's statement was echoed by her business partner, Kathy Trautvetter. "You put your blood and your sweat and your tears into [your business]" and "it's very personal. ... When I put myself in [Mr. Adamson's] shoes, I could see it from his side," said Trautvetter. Trautvetter and DiGelor...

Kenyan president rebukes Obama’s gay rights message

President Obama on Saturday made an personal plea for gay rights during his visit to Kenya, warning that “bad things happen” when countries discriminate against certain groups of people . “As an African-American in the United States , I am painfully aware of the history of what happens when people are treated differently under the law,” Obama added during a joint press conference with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta . “I’m unequivocal on this.” But Obama’s call for universal gay rights was quickly dismissed by Kenyatta, who described the issue as something “our culture, our society does not accept.” “For Kenyans today, the issue of gay rights is really a non-issue. We want to focus on other areas that are day-to-day living for our people,” he said, citing heath concerns and women’s rights. “This issue is not really an issue that is on the foremost of mind for Kenyans, and that is a fact," he said to some applause. Kenyatta’s comments represent the views of the vast major...