
Showing posts with the label 2018 Midterms

Colorado elects America’s first openly gay governor

As with Andrew Barr ACT leader in Australia who is gay and initiated homosexual marriage and is now prohibiting Christian schools from sacking homosexual teachers who lie on their applications forms - will Jared Polis be the same - namely push the gay agenda at the expense of all else and target Christians and churches? Just as Obama placed homosexuals in Australia as head of the USA embassy who also thought it was their duty to diminish Australian Churches by promoting their homosexual lifestyle and weighed into the controversial debate on fake homosexual marriage debate. Democrat Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado made history Tuesday night, winning election as the first open homosexual in the United States to be elected governor. With 62% of precincts reporting, Polis defeated Republican state treasurer Walker Stapleton 51% to 45%, according to The New York Times. Polis has called abortion a “very personal decision for a woman,” between “her conscience, her god and her doctor,”