Laymen support Swiss Bishop under fire for defending marriage

A Swiss Catholic bishop who was sued earlier this month by homosexual activists for defending the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality has made a second public apology for not putting quotes from the Old Testament he used in sufficient context. Bishop Vitus Huonder explained that he did not intend to invite violence against homosexuals but to uphold the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on homosexuality. Bishop Huonder said: I wanted to show that in [the book of ] Leviticus, there is to be found a drastic rejection of homosexual acts and that we as Christians have to be aware of it. When within the Church there is now a search for a “pastoral change,” then it is appropriate to reflect – and without censorship – upon this question in the context of the Old Testament – at least also in order to make sure that we see what Christ, what the New Testament, and what the Tradition of the Church had brought to us. Despite his humble self-accusation of defi...