Gay Bill 2943 and the gay agenda

A bill threatening free speech and religious freedom is quickly moving through the California state assembly . What’s it all about? Assembly Bill 2943 (AB 2943) uses the state’s consumer fraud statute to penalize religious freedom and free speech on the issues of homosexuality and gender identity. The bill adds “ sexual orientation change efforts ” to the state’s “Consumer Legal Remedies Act.” How does this affect people of faith? Both Scripture and Christian teaching are clear about God’s good plan for marriage and sexuality: God designed marriage to join one man and one woman in a committed, exclusive, lifelong relationship. Anything different is outside God’s design. Under this misguided legislation, anyone who proclaims this truth or offers help for those with unwanted homosexuality or transgenderism – whether behaviour, thoughts, identity or attractions – would be vulnerable to a lawsuit. Who does this effect? Our friends at the Alliance Defending Freedom have analyzed th...