Popular Christian Author Retracts Support of Same-Sex Marriage

Eugene H. Peterson , a retired Presbyterian minister and award-winning author, backtracked Thursday after his public affirmation of same-sex marriage generated a bitter backlash from some Christian supporters. The 84-year old, recognized most for his contemporary translation of the Bible, " The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language ,” clarified his comments regarding same-sex marriage, upholding a traditional Christian view on marriage. "To clarify, I affirm a biblical view of marriage: one man to one woman," Peterson said in a lengthy statement to The Washington Post . "I affirm a biblical view of everything." Peterson's retraction follows an interview with Religion News Service in which he was asked whether he would perform a same-sex wedding had he still been a pastor, which Peterson responded to with a terse, "Yes." In his latest statement, Peterson laments his response, explaining that he was "put on the spot...